If you’ve ever inquired about trading in your car, phone, computer or anything else, and the offer was very low and unacceptable, you remember how you felt. How did you react?

Most would refuse it (even though it is not a new product) because they know what they paid for it, and comparing the trade in price makes the person feel insulted.

He even says to himself, “I prefer to keep my product than to give it up for such a low trade in price.”

That feeling of anger and disgust with that low offer is called revolt. When you refuse to accept something, because you realize it’s just not right. That is revolt.

One day Moses (who at the time was living in a palace and being treated as a prince daily) saw one of his countrymen being badly treated and he reacted.

“..he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his brethren. So he looked this way and that way, and when he saw no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.”

Exodus 2:12

Of course it was wrong to kill the Egyptian man, but God also recognized his action of revolt. And that was one of the traits that made him a great leader.

Now, look at your life for a moment. Is it right for someone to believe in a GREAT God and give their life to Him and it remain the same? Certainly not.

That’s why you need to revolt against this type of life and demand through faith the results that God’s word promises. But one thing you must remember… if you are going to demand from God the results, you need to be ready to do what He instructs to receive the results.

May the God of the Bible bless you.                                                                                                                                 

Bishop Joshua Fonseca