“Then Jesus said to them, ‘Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.'”

(Matthew 16:6)

Jesus said, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.” In other words, beware of the so-called “brethren”! They always come up with seemingly Christian discussions to deceive sincere Christians and newcomers to the faith. Then they ferment their Pharisaic poison, trying to sow seeds of doubt and spitefulness.

They’re either cold or lukewarm. They don’t want to sacrifice for their own salvation, but are always ready to try to put out the flame of other people’s faith. Their goal is to transform others into hypocrites like them. And when those who are sincere object, the so-called brethren call them naive or immature.

You can quickly tell that they’re not on the same page, and that they never encourage the use of faith. On the contrary, they foster doubts – doubts brought by messengers of hell. They spew their scepticism about doctrines that had been learnt and were obviously effective before. They deliberately misuse Bible verses to reinforce those doubts, doing exactly what the devil did to Jesus in the wilderness.

They try over and over again, using nice words, full of emotion and doubts. Be careful when dealing with these so-called brethren. They’re more dangerous than those who are clearly unbelievers. Like whitewashed tombs, they patiently wait to engulf those who are sincere and have a pure faith. Their conscience is already seared; they’re not willing to learn. Keep your distance. Watch out. Follow your faith and not the crowd. You can’t be too careful.

Beware of the so-called brethren. Keep away from those who try to undermine your faith.

Our Daily Bread for 365 Days

21 Day Fast of Daniel

August 2nd – August 23rd