We are all born with a natural faith that makes us do natural things. For example, when you wake up in the morning and put your feet on the ground, you are sure that they will support you. This is natural faith. Also when you take a bus, a train, or a plane, you are sure that you will arrive at the desired destination, even without knowing the driver or what state of mind he’s in. And most of the time you do. This is natural faith. When it comes to work, we strive to do our best at our jobs because we believe that at the end of the month we will receive our salary. This is natural faith.

Natural faith makes us do natural things and most of the time by pure habit, by custom, by daily routine and it is evident that the result of these acts are natural things.

In natural faith there is no relationship with God, it is simply given to us to live a normal life in this world.

On the other hand, supernatural faith is divine, it comes from the Throne of God and into the hearts of the sincere. Those who truly want to glorify God with their lives, who desire to serve God’s purpose in this world. It is the faith that causes miracles and wonders. It causes us to do supernatural things. 

But supernatural faith requires total sacrifice and unconditional obedience to the Word of God. It requires complete surrender of all and renunciation of all. Giving up something small because of something much greater, that only those with this kind of faith can see.

You must understand that no one can see the supernatural if they have a natural faith. Miracles, wonders and great manifestations of God’s power are only possible through supernatural acts on the part of the human being (that is a supernatural faith)!

See what is written in Hebrews 11: 24-26.

By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin,

When Moses became of age and refused to be called the son of Pharaoh,  that was not an emotional act, but supernatural. Because supernatural faith casts out the desires of the heart.

Now think: What kind of faith have you been living: Natural or Supernatural?

Just look at the class and quality of life you are living to determine what kind of faith you have!

Mount Sinai is the greatest opportunity to change the condition of your life, for it is the Mountain of the Impossible, where great wonders happen. But to climb in and see these wonders it is necessary to rise filled with this SUPERNATURAL FAITH!

May the God of the Bible bless you

Bishop Bira Fonseca