“Talk is cheap,” they say. “Put your money where your mouth is.” “I will believe it when I see it.” We’ve all heard (and even said) these expressions during those times when words just aren’t enough or when dealing with someone who often goes back on their word. When somebody declares their love or loyalty to you, the first thing you look for is what they do to show this loyalty. And this is the way it should be done.
So why is it that many so often make excuses for going back on their word or don’t push themselves to live up to their promises?
On paper or in front of certain people, you are ‘holier than thou,’ but, in truth, there is nothing holy about the terrible thoughts that run through your mind or the ungodly things you get up to when nobody is around.
In front of your boss, you are, ‘Yes sir, no sir,’ but behind his back, you are stealing and slacking off work whenever possible.
Does this make you a bad person? Not necessarily. But it does make you a person who needs an inner change—a true change—one where your character is the same, no matter where you are.
Zacchaeus was like that, too. He was a tax collector by day and a thief by night. He robbed people blind, and they could do nothing about it. (By the way, he was doing all this whilst carrying the title of a religious man!)
“Now behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich. And he sought to see who Jesus was.” Luke 19 1-3
That’s the good thing about Zacchaeus, despite his wrong ways, is that he sought to see who Jesus was. Or rather, deep down, he knew that he needed to change and did want to change.
Perhaps you do the wrong things you do because that’s all you know. It’s the life you grew up in and the only way of survival that you learned. Maybe you do really want to change aspects of your character, and every time you do, the change doesn’t last. You do good for a while, but then something ticks you off, and then that old you come back again.
God knows how real the struggle is, and that’s why Jesus came for people like you and me. He came for those who are looked down upon by society, the outcasts that nobody believes in and who are so deep in sin that even they can not see a way out.
Jesus came to be that way out.
Zacchaeus was honest about his sins and decided to change His ways. When God hears from you that you have decided to change, that’s when He will work in your life.
Jesus knows exactly who you are behind closed doors, so don’t try to hide your true self.
He believes in you, and if you do as Zacchaeus did and take an interest in getting to know Him, He will give you that brand-new start in life that you wish you had.
Go on and do it now. Present your true self to Jesus and allow Him to work in you. You will be glad that you did.
May the God of the Bible bless you!
Bishop Joshua Fonseca