Comforting someone who has lost a loved one is almost impossible. Trying to motivate someone who has lost everything is no easy task. Do you remember your first heartbreak? The tears you shed and the thoughts of you never being happy again? Perhaps it wasn’t a broken relationship but a friend who betrayed you and left you feeling very angry and hurt.

Whatever the reason, separation is not usually a happy thing. Some people never ‘bounce back,’ and time is not a ‘healer’ for them. Think with me: if being separated from a loved one can hurt so much, imagine being separated from God. The Bible does speak about separation from God; it says:

“But your iniquities have separated you from your God;” (Isaiah 59:2)

Now we see why the people of Ancient Israel kept getting into so much trouble: because they were separating themselves from God. They chose to look the other way, to live in sin and disregard God’s will and commands. And the same happens today in the lives of many. When we decide to do what’s wrong, we are separating ourselves from God and, therefore, separating ourselves from His blessings and protection.

The opposite is also true: when you live in obedience to Him, then that gap is closed, and God’s blessings are yours for the taking. So, if you feel as though you are not benefiting from all that God has to offer, take an honest look at how close you are to Him. Have you been distracted lately? Has time, work, money, or friends caused a separation between you and God?

Maybe you don’t outright deny God, but you push Him aside due to a ‘busy schedule.’ After some time, you don’t even miss Him anymore.

If so, make the necessary choices and reunite yourself with Him. Yes, you will still have work, friends, money, etc., but you will not do anything with those things that displease God. You will not allow anything to cause a wedge between you and your Father.

If you would like help in bridging the gap between yourself and God, contact me. I’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.

May the God of the Bible Bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua