We live in a world where appearances can be deceiving. How often do we see people on social media portraying a perfect life? Smiling photos at parties, trips to incredible destinations, flawless poses, etc. All of this gives the impression of fulfillment and happiness. However, behind the screens and smiles, many of these people carry a deep emptiness. They try to fill this void with parties, relationships, or achievements. Yet, the feeling of dissatisfaction remains as if something essential is still missing. This inner emptiness is something many people face. Perhaps you are one of them.
It is similar to the story of Naaman, a powerful man, the commander of the Syrian army, admired by many for his victories and high status. On the outside, he appeared strong and invincible. But on the inside, he carried something no one wanted: leprosy.
Just as leprosy consumed Naaman, emptiness has consumed your soul as you try to live by appearances without seeking the true way.
The Bible says, “So he went down and dipped seven times in the Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God; and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean” (2 Kings 5:14)
Naaman was not only healed of his leprosy but was also transformed on the inside. His obedience and humility opened the way for his deliverance.
You cannot fill the void on your own. It takes humility to repent, to seek God, and to accept that only He can bring true healing and inner peace.
There’s no point in living by appearances or trying to hide the leprosy. Only God can fill the void that no material possession, position, or status can occupy. Humble yourself before Him, obey His Word, and experience true transformation.
May the God of the Bible bless you!
Bishop Bira Joshua