You often hear people say they’ve had a streak of bad luck. They have been facing one misfortune after another. They begin their morning with a car that won’t start, followed by a lying coworker that dirties their name, an accident that damages their headlights on the way home and to top it all off, a migraine that just won’t quit. They chalk it up to “bad luck.”

Maybe you’ve always felt as though there is a dark cloud hovering over you wherever you go. You go to the right, there is a problem, to the left, another finds you and you can’t seem to shake it.

You’ve blamed every misfortune in life on it not being your lucky day. It’s far more sinister than that. It is evil. There are many names that people have given it over the years but at the end of the day, just as there is good, there is evil. Perhaps you have fallen victim to it but you can be free.

The Bible says:

“Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, You shall be happy, and it shall be will with you. “ (Psalms 128: 1-2)

Notice, there is no “maybe” or “possibly”. It is a clear promise. When you walk with God you are no longer alone. You will be walking hand in hand with Him and He will guide you away from evil.

Nothing has been going well with you but hold God’s hand, walk with Him and He will walk with you and make your life completely blessed.

May the God of the Bible bless you,

Bishop Joshua Fonseca