Imagine for a moment, a man stranded in the middle of the ocean. The only thing he clings to is a life raft and with all his might, he holds on to it. Rescue eventually comes for him but he refuses to let go of the one thing that has kept him alive. However, he has only been surviving, not living. If he lets go of that raft, his life will be saved but first, he must let go.  

Easier said than done, isn’t it? Letting go of what we know isn’t an easy task but it is often necessary. There is no way to receive something new if your hands are full. The Word of God even teaches us that we have to lose in order to gain. 

“For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Matthew 16:26 

When a person loses their life for God, it is actually one of the best exchanges they can ever make. Giving up our will, desires, past and broken life in return for the salvation and peace that comes from the Spirit of God certainly seems like a great trade. 

However, not everyone is willing to lose. Following the Word of God at times means doing what isn’t easy but the reward that comes from God never fails. Perhaps you have only ever given half of your life to God because there is something that has been hard to lose. Don’t see it as a loss but as a gain. Give up whatever has been your life raft and allow God to bring your life to safety. 

May the God of the Bible bless you 

Bishop Bira Joshua