There is a day set for everyone to die.
Animals die, plants die, and even fashion dies.
Yes, the style in last year… where is it today?
Friendships die (I’m sure we all have had a friend we lost or had to leave behind).
But there is one thing that will never die.
God’s Word.
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” (Matthew 24:35)
This statement: “My words will by no means pass away”—is the same as saying my words will never die. This is powerful!
Let us think for a minute: if the Word of God will never die, then we can agree that it is ever-living and alive, right?
The Word of God is alive today and will be tomorrow and forever. Therefore, you have access to whatever you want, and the key to grant you access is called faith.
What area of your life is dead? Is it your health? The Word of God has healing for you!
Is it a mental problem? The Word of God promises clarity and a sound mind.
Is it a family problem? The Word of God promises unity and peace.
No matter what you need, life and restoration are available in the Word of God. Use the key called faith to unlock all you need and experience the Life of Abundance promised!
May the God of the Bible bless you!
Bishop Bira Joshua