How many times has this happened to you?

You are driving on the highway (over the speed limit) and you start to fear that you might have an accident so you slow down.

Or you were doing some repairs at home and you reach the last step on the ladder. Without proper support, you fear that you might fall, so you came down from the ladder.

These examples of fear are healthy because they guide you to take actions that could save your life or those around. 

The fear that is negative is when you fear people, places or things that are not truly a threat. Or have unrealistic fears about losses or risks, and they end up crippling you.

Just because one day you lost your job, house, spouse, a family member or anything else. Now you are afraid of losing once again. 

These kinds of fears are the opposite of faith, and you can be set free from them. 

Take a look at this Bible verse:

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God… Isaiah 41:10 

These are not my words, but the Words of God. And if He says that He is with you, then who or what can be against you?

May the God of the Bible bless you.

Bishop Joshua Fonseca