Even the fastest runner wouldn’t go far if he had a weight on him. Imagine a backpack full of stones on the back of the current world champion during a major championship.

Carrying that weight is uncomfortable and would undoubtedly prevent the most prepared athlete from winning the race.

Think with me, what weight have you been carrying that is preventing you from being happy?

You may even feel financially successful or that your health is perfect. Perhaps you were the most intelligent person in your school, or maybe you have an ideal family… but still feel depressed. 

There’s a weight you’ve been carrying; the feeling is that in the race of life, you’ve been left behind even though you have all the ability to win.

Leave that “backpack with rocks” once and for all! And when I say backpack, I mean the weight of problems. 

Read to the end, and you will find out how to eliminate that weight.

Step 1. Identify the weight you are carrying:

– grudges

– hidden sins

– depression

– Disagreements in the family

– health problems 

– Failure in your financial life

– thoughts of suicide

– And other problems

Step 2. Give that weight to Him, who can carry it.

We often share the weight we have been carrying with someone who can do nothing for us. It happens when we look for a friendly shoulder to lean on and share our suffering.

If you want to get rid of this weight and suffering, give it to God. He is the only way out.

Don’t tell people your problems.

Step 3. Let God take care of you.

It’s no use handing the weight to God and then taking it back with uncertainties, insecurities, and doubts.

Trust that He will care for you, as He surely wants to.

The Bible says:

“Cast your burdens on the Lord, and he will take care of you.” Psalms 55.22

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua