A pillar is not just a structural element but a hero who bears heavy burdens, distributing them evenly to ensure the safety and stability of everything around. Like a pillar, our faith prevents our lives from crumbling under challenges.

Life can throw some tough challenges our way, and that’s when faith becomes our most powerful weapon or a pillar that holds us strong. It makes us stand firm when we hear bad news from the doctor. When the family’s breadwinner struggles financially, they can hold onto faith. Faith is what supports a mother’s heart when her child is involved in drugs. Faith is our unshakeable support, no matter what challenge, problem, or temptation we face.

One example of faith in action is Moses, who had faith to open the Red Sea. David used his faith, which gave him the courage to face Goliath with only a few stones. And Jesus, of course, performed countless miracles that only those with faith could witness.

But the real question isn’t whether we have faith—we all do. The critical question is whether we use that faith or not. How are we putting our faith into action? Are you using it to move mountains and achieve great things, or are you still unsure if it works? It’s up to us to decide how we want to use the power of faith in our lives.

The Bible says: “Watch, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13)

Are you facing a tough challenge? Lean on your faith.
Seemingly impossible situation? Use your faith.
Is it too complex to figure out? Simplify it with faith.
Feeling like everything is out of control? Ground yourself with faith.

Let your faith be your guiding light when you find yourself at a dead end. When the problem’s weight is on your shoulders, let your faith in God lift you. Why not pray now and see how the power of faith can transform your life?

Faith in action starts with prayer.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua