Ask for anything right now. Yes, don’t be afraid. Open your mouth and ask for healing from this sickness, unity in your family, a new job, and a better home. Seems quite simple. However, many have not yet tapped into the simplicity of asking.

“ … let your requests be made known to God” Philippians 4:6

Perhaps you have been yearning for something for a long time. You’ve told everyone about it. Friends and family know your biggest dreams. Online friends have seen you post about what you want to accomplish, but you haven’t shared with the most important One, who can help you actually get there.

Let your requests be known to God. What is it that you want for your life? Perhaps it’s to overcome this depression, addiction, or loneliness, to get rid of a financial blockage, or to be happy in your relationships. The list can go on, and maybe as you read, you are adding your own requests. Speak up. Let God know.

He wants to know so that He can help you. Don’t be silent anymore. When you talk to God, He listens. When you speak to Him, He helps you.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua