Did you know there are certain places you can stand in the world where you would be in two places at once? For example, when walking down state street in Tennessee, one foot can be in Tennessee and the other in Virginia. Quite an interesting fact to know. But logically speaking, there’s no way to walk through life like this. One foot in one place and the other in another. 

However, there are many who face this separation when it comes to their faith. Unfortunately, many are walking with Jesus on one side but with the world on the other. Although they may attend services they have not fully let go of old habits, the old mindset, an old addiction, or their old life, and because of this they haven’t fully received all of the new things that God has prepared for them. They have not received peace, joy, salvation etc. and they are left wondering why.

Well, here is the answer: There’s no way for us to walk with one foot in and one foot out. What needs to be realized is that we can’t be halfway with God. We are either all in or all out. Take a look at what Jesus said to this man in the Bible:

“Jesus answered, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.’” (John 3:5)

You only enter the kingdom of Heaven when you are born again. This word was not one of condemnation but of salvation. Perhaps you have been feeling like going to church hasn’t made a difference in your life but the true difference will only come when you give one hundred percent of yourself to God. When you give your all, God gives you His all and His all has so much more to offer than you can ever imagine.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua