Losing a loved one is a sad moment in anyone’s life. Although there is a period to mourn, there is also the responsibility of a funeral to plan. Invitations need to be sent, a venue must be booked and so on. Family and friends come together all with the final step in mind: putting the body to rest once and for all. After the burial, the deceased is never seen again. That is the process that comes with death. It is final. 

The same goes for someone who makes the decision to lead a life with God. When a person is baptized it is as though the old character of that person dies. They become dead to the mistakes of their past. They no longer think the same, act the same, speak the same, or even dress the same. They bury their old life and they don’t miss it one bit. That burial is final. 

Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Romans 6:4 

Many make the mistake of thinking that attending a church is enough to have this newness of life. Have you ever wondered why in spite of being in church, you still miss the old things you once did? That old life – which although was wrong before God, still entices you? 

This serves as a sign that the old you was not truly buried. The Spirit of God and the old spirit of yourself cannot live in the same place. First, you must bury this old person, so that God can give you newness of life.  

When you truly bury your old self, then contrary to popular belief, you will not feel as though you are missing out on anything. In fact, you will kick yourself for taking so long to make that decision! 

Still struggling with the decision to let go of your old life? Let me leave you with this question: 

Who can better take care of you and your needs: God or yourself? 

I think we all know the answer to that one. Don’t postpone your happiness any longer.

May the God of the Bible bless you,

Bishop Joshua Fonseca