“Like father, like son”… this old saying is meant to point out the similarities the father and the son have. The facial features, the way he walks, the way he talks, many of his habits, etc. But the big problem is when he inherits the curse of his father or mother. This message is not to accuse the parents or the past generation, but to make you aware that the reality is that many are on drugs, single mothers, unemployed, addicted to drugs or alcohol, in jail, sick with the same disease as the parents, the grandparents or even the great grandparents. Many experience the same problems as the past generations.

The scriptures says:

‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, And the children’s teeth are set on edge’? Ezekiel 18:2

This is totally unfair. If the fathers (which means the ancestors) ate sours grapes (did something wrong, evil, sinned) the children should not inherit the same disease, punishment or miserable life.

But we have seen many children and adults that have never been happy because of the curses of the past. Maybe you are reaping what you did not sow. Your teeth are “set on edge” because of the mistakes of your parents. And you are now living a rotten life. It’s time to say to this curse that runs in your family, enough!

Every Friday at the Universal Church we pray to break curses. It’s a Curse Removal Therapy. Join us in one of our locations.

May the God of the Bible Bless all of You

Bishop Bira Fonseca