I’m sure you know about the domino effect. In a line of dominoes, if one falls they all go down. It is like a ripple effect. Or like a common cold… one person catches it and soon after, everyone around them is sniffling and sneezing. 

You may have recognized this in your own life. It seems that everyone around you is suffering and you are just a part of the club. 

However, because of your faith, you don’t have to be apart of this club.

You do not have to be sick, or lose your job because others have. You are in a different club:

A thousand may fall at your side,And ten thousand at your right hand;But it shall not come near you. Psalm 91:7

You are set apart for greatness! Don’t give into the domino effect. God is with you and you are in His club.

May the God of the Bible bless you,

Bishop Bira Joshua