Whenever you buy something, whether a product or a machine, when you open the box and see that it has some type of defect and is not functioning properly or missing a piece, the first words that come out of your mouth is ‘I will return it’. You don’t accept it because you purchased it expecting one thing and you received something else. Spiritually speaking it is the same. God has the right to accept our offerings or not. He did not respect Cain’s offering because it had a defect, it was not the best. He did not prepare his offering. He bought just any fruit, anyhow. If you read in Leviticus 22:20 the bible says:

Whatever has a defect, you shall not offer, for it shall not be acceptable on your behalf.”

“It shall not be acceptable on your behalf “…why? Because it has a defect, like a broken product. If you present before God what has a defect, He has the right to accept it or not. Everything that we do before the Lord is an offering. Our prayers, bible reading, going to church, attending the service, etc. Offering is not just financial, like putting money inside of an envelope or the offering bag. But offering is everything that we do for the Lord. Like when you forgive your enemies you are giving an offering, when you pray for your enemies you are giving an offering.

Imagine if Jesus was dying on the cross and He had grudges against those who were there stoning Him, beating Him or cursing Him. To complete His sacrifice and give His best offering He said ‘Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.’ Well that was another offering, forgiving those who were beating and persecuting him. You see that offering is everything that we do for the Lord and before the Lord. If your offering is good before God, it is acceptable before God. You are going to be a better husband, a better wife, a better father, mother, son, daughter a better employee, etc. You are going to be the best in all the aspects of your life. Cain’s offering was not acceptable… and you know the rest of the story. He killed his brother and he was cursed for the rest of his life. You see that the good offering blesses us, just like the offering of Abel speaks until today even though he is dead.

So I want you to analyze your offerings. The offering that you gave yesterday, that you are giving today and the offering that you are going to give tomorrow. Do not give what has a defect.

Meditate on this message and be blessed today in the name of Jesus Christ

May the God of the Bible Bless You,

Bishop. Bira Fonseca