God created man from dust, and from that lifeless dust He gave him life. In the same way, today God can raise those who are lifeless from the bottom of the pit, and bring them to life. He raises the poor, the sick, the broken, those who have a miserable life, a divided family, who have an impossible case, who have fallen back to dust, He can give them life.

Many doctors and lawyers are at the top of their field, have a very good resume, reputation and are very respected and trusted in what they do. But no doctor, no matter how good they are can say that they have never lost a patient. No lawyer can say that they never lost a case. No judge can say that they never made a mistake in a judgement.

Why is that?

It’s because we are human beings and as human beings we make mistakes. On the other hand, God and only God has never failed, He has never lost a battle, He has never lost a case, and this gives Him the power to raise us from the bottom of the pit, from the dust.

He raises the poor out of the dust,
And lifts the needy out of the ash heap, Psalms 113:7

If you believe and you cry out for His help right now… TODAY… He will raise you from the dust right away and He will put you at the top, on the highest level. He will breathe life into you and raise you up. Take this moment right now to cry out to Him, ask Him to give you life and to take you out of the dust. God will not fail you, He never has and never will. He will give you a new life.

May the God of the Bible bless you, Bishop Bira Fonseca