The exact thing a person fears is what ends up happening to them. What is the difference between feeling afraid and living in fear? The first is something normal, the feeling comes and goes usually before an important decision needs to be made, but the second is not, it is something that can consume the entire life of a person.

Living in fear is worse than any disease. Sicknesses, pains and diseases affect the physical body, however fear is a disease on the mind. Let us take a look at God’s servant, Job. He was a blameless man, upright, a man who feared God and shunned evil. In other words, he was a healthy person who walked with God.

“There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil.” (Job 1:1)

However, this did not stop him from facing difficulties in life. Job, like many Christians today, had faith to conquer, but did not have faith to lose.

“For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me.” (Job 3:25)

What does this mean friends? It means God wants us to be ready for the difficulties of life. When you receive those bad news – your health is declining, you lost your job, your family member is in trouble, etc., that is when your faith needs to be strong.

Do not allow fear to overpower you, do not live in fear. God has given everyone something so powerful, more powerful than fear – and that is faith! Supernatural faith is what will turn any situation around. If your fear has been stronger than your faith, make the decision even now to feed your faith and starve the fear.

May the God of the Bible bless you

Bishop Joshua Fonseca