The chameleon is a very interesting creature. It is able to blend in with its surroundings. We actually act as this creature more than we may know. We are around so many different people throughout our day it’s easy for us to try and blend in with the crowd. Inside of the church being a “good Christian” is effortless but the true test comes when we are around those who do not share our faith.

How can we avoid going with the flow? We must constantly give our offering to God. An offering has very little to do with money and so much more to do with who we are. In fact, our first prayer in the morning is like our daily tithe before God. The moments we separate to read the Bible, the way that we speak, the way that we treat others, these are offerings. God looks at who we are and how we live. 

Through our life we are constantly giving our offering, just as Noah did in the Bible. The years he spent listening to the voice of God and building the ark were a testament to who he was before God. He did not allow outside factors to dirty his faith. Take a look at this verse:

“Then the LORD said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation.” Genesis 7:1 

How great will it be to hear God welcome us? This comes by remaining firm, no matter what. The world will offer many things but nothing is greater than being hand-picked by God, Himself. 

God is choosing you today, just as he chose Noah. To be set apart from the crowd. Are you ready?

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua