Life is all about choices; a wrong choice today can signify a future filled with suffering. And many are behind bars, unhappy in love (separated, divorced), single mothers, in a wheelchair, unemployed, struggling financially (because of losses), all because they made a wrong choice.

See what the Bible clearly shows us in chapter 30 of the Book of Deuteronomy:

“See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, …”(Deuteronomy 30:15)

God places the choice of life or death, blessing or curses before each one of us, but it is up to us to decide.

In Israel, there are two mountains: the Mountain of Blessing (Gerizim) and the Mountain of Curses (Ebal). The Mountain of Blessing is flowery, it is visited by many, you can say it is prosperous, but the Mountain of Curses is desert, has no vegetation, and is desolate. The two are still there today and nothing has changed for Mount Ebal; it continues in the same way, without life. Another very clear example of this is the Dead Sea: it does not give nor receive water from any river; and in it, there is no life, because it is exceedingly salty.

God wants you to be on the Mountain of Blessing, for on it is salvation, perfection, prosperity, health, happiness, harmony, peace in the Holy Spirit and above all, a name in the Book of Life. But the Mountain of Curses is like a cemetery (where everything ends, a place of sadness, of crying, of death; it’s the end. And many, unfortunately, are in that place.

We at the Universal Church, we are filled with a faith to take you from the Mountain of Curses to the Mountain of Blessings; but the decision is yours. We will not force you to come to our side; but if you want to do this, know that even though you face problems, once you are on the Mountain of Blessings, the problems will be under your feet!

“… therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;…”(Deuteronomy 30:19)

May the God of the Bible Bless You

Bispo Bira Fonseca