When we are behind the wheel, we must focus on one task: safe driving. Anytime you divert your attention from driving, you’re at risk. This includes texting, talking, using your phone, adjusting the radio, setting your navigation, applying makeup, eating or drinking. Any of these things can lead to terrible consequences. 

But this doesn’t only happen in traffic.

“First things first”… You’ve surely heard this famous saying many times. But most people don’t know how to prioritize and lose focus on the most important things all too easily. 

Parents prioritize work, losing focus on the family and as a result, the children end up getting involved with drugs or taking other wrong paths in life. A commitment prevents you from going to church – once, twice, ten, twenty times and little by little, you end up feeling distant from God, sad, and without the strength to return to church.

Be it for good or bad, we all have priorities in life and wherever we put our focus, that’s where our strength will be. If you feel lost and don’t know where to start, it’s probably because you have your priorities all mixed up. 

The Bible teaches us:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

This verse makes it clear that the kingdom of God must be sought first, that should be your first priority. Learning to put your priorities in order will lead to a much more organized and happy life. Not because you’ve mastered ‘getting it all together’ but because God promises to provide for all those who put Him first.

Go on, give it a try! Put God first, work on pleasing Him and allow Him to help you to get your life in order! You won’t be disappointed.

May the God of the Bible bless you,

Bishop Joshua Fonseca