Have you ever caught yourself trying to call a company, and an answering machine keeps transferring your call from here to there, and you spend hours and hours waiting on line looking for someone who can solve your problem? If so, you know how frustrating it can be to wait hours and hours, and in the end, instead of the solution, they offer yet another menu of options.
We often go through situations in our lives where it seems that the solution we are looking for is inaccessible.
Reflect with me. What solution do you need for your life? What area of your life needs a quick answer? Are you tired of waiting and looking for a solution?
There are moments in our lives that we can no longer wait. Moments that require an urgent solution.
For this kind of situation, Jesus has His ears open to hear you, and He is willing to help you solve any problem.
It doesn’t matter how big your problem is.
The Bible says:
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Yes, that’s right! Jesus is ready to help you. And the only thing you have to do is call upon Him!
While Jesus was on earth living as we do, He was always there for those suffering. Today is no different. For you to approach Him, all you need to do is sincerely pray. Surely He will hear you and bring you the answer you need so much.
Jesus is accessible to you!
May the God of the Bible bless you,
Bishop Bira Joshua