You play many roles in your life daily. If you are a parent, you play the role of advisor, provider, nurse, etc. At work, you play the role of an employee. You are a friend, sister, uncle, and companion among loved ones. We have learned to “wear many hats.” However, today, let us talk about our role as servants of God.

The first and most vital step to becoming His servant is receiving His Spirit. Once a person receives the Holy Spirit, they are given a special task to serve Him through saving souls. We can no longer focus solely on ourselves, edifying our own souls. Imagine walking into church, desperate to hear the Word of God, but find only praising and singing for the entirety of the service. This is what happens when we focus solely on ourselves.

“He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification.”
1 Corinthians 14:4 – 5

It is certainly not wrong to worship in tongues and have moments of self-edification. In Heaven, this will be our sole purpose: worshiping the Father. However, here on Earth, we are tasked with a special role, to save as many souls as possible for the Kingdom of Heaven. Don’t let your focus be on speaking in tongues.

For you who have the Holy Spirit, His desire to save souls has already been born inside you. Each day, ask the Holy Spirit to use you to save a soul and spread your testimony to others so your mission on Earth may be fulfilled.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua