Always remember this… because God is great, then something great has to happen in your life.
See what the Word of God says:

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Galatians 6:7

Do not deceive yourself, no one can mock God. Whatever you sow (meaning the effort you put in), you will reap (you will get it back in return). If you sow faith, you reap results. If you sow in doubt or with fear or worry, then you will reap either nothing or destruction.

There is no way around this. It is the law. As Jesus said, “the same measure you use will be measured against you”. So think about your life and the results (or lack of results) that you’ve seen until now… Can you honestly say that you’ve been putting in enough effort, sacrifice and determination to see that change that you want in your life?

If not then you know what you need to do. You need to SOW! Put effort, sacrifice, push yourself to do more! From the moment that you do that, you will start to see results in your life.

May the God of the Bible Bless You,

Bishop Bira Fonseca