Can you imagine a fisherman catching the largest fish of his career and then throwing it back into the ocean? It would be hard to imagine, right? What about an archaeologist that finds ancient fossils, then using a hammer to destroy his findings? Would a scuba diver that go to the bottom of the ocean and find buried treasure, only to leave it all behind?

I believe you get the picture and I want you to keep it in mind when you read the Bible verse below:

“…the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” John 6:37

All of the above examples show the craziness of throwing away something valuable, and this Bible verse is saying the same thing.

You are valued by the Lord Jesus and He will never cast you away. No matter if you are rejected by this world, or even by your family members, He will by no means cast you away!

With this is mind, I would like to encourage you to go to Him for all of your needs. If you are feeling broken, He is able to mend your brokenness. If you are sad, He can bring you joy. If you are down, He can lift you up. You are valuable to Him. He will not throw you away. 

May the God of the Bible bless you.          

Bishop Joshua Fonseca