Whenever someone travels by plane, there is always a possibility that this flight will experience some turbulence.

The flight attendants are always ready to say, “Have a seat and fasten your seat belt,” while experiencing turbulence, just for our safety.

I am sure you will never hear a flight attendant saying, “Let’s all exit the plane because of the turbulence we are facing.”

In life, you will experience the turbulence of life; things will happen to shake your life—sicknesses, family problems, financial problems, mental health problems, etc.

This does not mean you should give up; instead, you should stick it out, stay on course, and ride it out until the end!

Remember, the final destination of your soul depends on it. Just like that flight that experienced turbulence, stuck it out, and arrived at its destination. I encourage you to do the same. Don’t give up; stick it out until the end.

After all, God is much more than a flight attendant or any other human being; He is the Lord of Hosts who is guiding you.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
II Timothy 4:7

Don’t jump ship. Stay on course and arrive at your final destination, the Kingdom of Heaven!

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua