Slowly but surely, the festive decorations around the world are being taken down. Trees are being put back into storage, and the twinkling lights are vanishing from rooftops. Just a few days into the year and the physical world already seems dimmer. For many, however, there was very little to celebrate because although the date on the calendar changed and despite the bright lights all around, their life remained the same: Dark.

This darkness is not physical but spiritual. They have a spiritual darkness in their soul. At times it even manifests in the physical world. Insomnia, panic attacks, seeing strange images, and depression are just a few of the things that those in spiritual darkness experience. Maybe you know this firsthand because you are living it right now. Take a look at what the Bible says,

“And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.”
Genesis 1:4

If you are living in darkness God wants to bring you into His light. Perhaps you look at your light and see nothing good, but take this dark, broken, heavy life and put it into God’s hands. His light is far beyond any light in the world because it can never be taken away, and is never dimmed. His light is good and remains forever.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua