There are certain things that took place in the past that are re accruing these days. For example, fashion. Some fashions of yesterday are now present today.

And it’s no different with problems. Some of the problems of yesterday are still happening today. Take for example depression (the sadness of the soul).

Depression was present in Bible days just like it is today. Of course the name only came about centuries after. But the symptoms were the same.

Hannah was suffering from depression and her husband saw the signs and asked her these questions.

“Hannah, why do you weep? Why do you not eat? And why is your heart grieved?” (1 Sam 1:8)

Weep – she was crying
Not eating- she had no desire to eat.
Grieved – sadness of the soul.

Is this your situation? You find yourself weeping, not eating, your heart grieving?

Hannah had these same symptoms. But she took action to solve this problem.

And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish. Then she made a vow and said, “O Lord of hosts…”
(1 Sam 8:10-11)

Even though she was in bitterness of soul, she made her prayer and she made her vow to the Lord.

The Lord was available then to help Hannah and The Lord is available now to help you!

Go ahead and make your prayer right now, even though you are in bitterness of soul. Make your personal vow to the Lord and experience His Powerful hands at work in your life!

The problems of then are present now. But don’t forget, the solutions of then are present now as well!

May the God of the Bible bless you,

Bishop Bira Joshua