Imagine being lost at sea, engulfed in darkness during a violent storm. The crashing waves threaten to overtake your vessel. In this turmoil, a glimmer of hope emerges on the horizon—a lighthouse beacon piercing the darkness with its unwavering light. This beacon becomes your guide, leading you toward safety and salvation.

In the same way, the truth, which is the Word of God, serves as a guiding light in our lives. It shines with unmatched clarity, illuminating the path forward amidst the tumultuous seas of problems we face. In this example, the lighthouse beacon symbolizes the truth found in the Bible. It is a steadfast source of guidance, offering direction to those who feel lost and seek a way out of life’s storms.

If you have ever been told that there is no way out, that you will indefinitely face your problems, pay attention to what the Word of God reveals:

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32).

The power of the Word of God can set you free. Embracing this truth will lead you to liberation from sin, confusion, and despair. Like the lighthouse beacon providing a clear path to safety, the truth in the Word of God illuminates the way to complete deliverance.

By reading God’s Word, we discern right from wrong and experience the abundant life God intends for us. As we align ourselves with the truth of God’s Word, we navigate life’s challenges and conquer the darkness surrounding us.

By embracing the truth, we break free from the chains that hold us back, opening the door to a life filled with fulfillment and true freedom.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua