Imagine that you had to go to a place where you’ve never been, without a GPS or a map, but only using the information given by people. Soon you realize that all the guidance they gave you only got you lost.

That’s what happens when you live without the Holy Spirit. You get lost because you don’t have the right directions to follow.

How often do people read the Bible and not get anything from it?  There’s no understanding because they don’t have the Holy Spirit, the real Guide.

When you have the Spirit of God inside of you, you won’t need a pastor or bishop to preach to you, because you have God Himself speaking to you. Of course that doesn’t mean that you won’t go to church anymore or listen to the spiritual leaders that God put in place. But the point is, even without ANYONE to guide you, you will have trustworthy guidance. The guidance of the Holy Spirit.

“And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32)

When you Have the Holy Spirit, you understand God’s Word because your eyes are open.

The point is, if you want to be led in the right direction, you need the right Guide to lead you. The world doesn’t offer good advice, but God’s Spirit does.

The only thing is, you will not receive Him whilst being fully occupied with entertainment and distractions of the world.

So if you are willing, join us in this Daniel’s Fast from now until September 18th, and put your focus and attention completely on God. The results will be worth it.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua