If you compare an old photo with a recent one you will surely notice that your physical appearance is no longer the same.Maybe you see some wrinkles here and there, more grey hair, etc… Keep in mind  that one day you will no longer be able to cover it up. The truth is that life passes and with it goes the glory of this world.

It doesn’t matter if you are famous or not, when one dies, all fame, money and achievements will turn into dust. Whether those achievements are a diploma, a perfect body, a united family or the dream career, and the list goes on and on. We can have everything on this earth, but if we do not have the Spirit of God, our achievements are worthless.

If today’s richest man does not know God, he is the poorest and most miserable of all. Remember that the glory of this world passes but your soul will remain forever.  

You are the Temple created by God, to be filled with his Glory in this world:

…and the glory of the Lord filled the temple… (2 Chronicles 7:1)

Our main focus must be on being God’s glory in this world, because to Him belongs all wisdom and wealth!  

Seek earnestly to receive the Holy Spirit inside of you, Prioritize the Glory of God above all and just as He filled the Temple of Solomon with His glory, He will fill you with His Spirit.

May the God of the Bible bless you.

Bishop Joshua Fonseca