Which virus names come to your mind when you read the title of this post?

These are just a few of them:





Over the years, much research has been done, and because of this, many lives have been saved and will be saved.

When it is a virus in the physical body, it is easily identified, giving the person a higher percentage of being treated or cured.

Some viruses are not easily identified, making them much more difficult to treat or cure.

The virus called sin: How can this virus be cured?

King David found himself infected with this virus called sin. He went to the only physician who could cure this deadly virus. The God of the Bible.

I said, “Lord, be merciful to me; Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You.” (Psalm 44:1)

Can you imagine how it was for him, being a King, to humble himself and take these three essential steps:

1. Bow down before God.

2. Cried out to the Lord for forgiveness 

3. Confess his sins

King David did this because even though he was a king, his soul was SICK.

Sin is the virus that KILLS the soul!

King David found the cure, and his soul was restored. 

If you find yourself with this deadly virus called sin, follow the example of King David and take those three steps today. The health of your soul depends on it.

Don’t give up on yourself; where there is life, there is hope. 

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua