One year has 52 weeks… 12 months… 365 days. My question to you is, how was the past 365 days for you? How was 2020? I don’t know how your past year was or how it ended.

But one thing I know for sure is that your 52 Weeks of 2021 can be totally different!

This is a life changing tip for you on the first day of 2021: Don’t get used to your problems. Many people made a big mistake in 2020, when they got used to the virus, financial loses, hearing bad news, and the whole pandemic lifestyle.

However you should not accept to get used to problems. Don’t get used to a bad situation, and please, never say “that’s just life”.

The Word of God is Life! Problems are not life. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying we will live a problem free life, but what I am saying is this; it is not normal to live a problematic life.

Look at what this Bible verse says:

“…The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63

This is life… what is written in the Word of God. And I encourage you start reading His Words today and put it into practice in your daily life.

Life is about decisions, and you have a decision to make right now that will lead you to The Life. The life that brings happiness to you, and honor and glory to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

May the God of the Bible bless you.

Bishop Joshua Fonseca