Have you ever looked at someone and immediately scanned them from head to toe looking at their fancy clothes and shoes? There are few people who simply look and admire. The majority think to themselves – ‘I wish I had his life, he is so lucky…’ or ‘I wish I had her life, look at all the nice things she has…’

Christians nowadays make the dangerous mistake of longing for what the unbelievers have. They look to the ones who practice evil and live in sin, seeing everything they conquered and all the money they have, and immediately envy them. On their outward appearance, everything about them seems ‘perfect’ and enticing right? It is as if they are doing what is wrong before God, but somehow, they are ‘succeeding’ right?

These kinds of thoughts come from the evil one. They are a trap used to cause Christians to stumble in their faith.

“But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled; My steps had nearly slipped. For I was envious of the boastful, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.”

(Psalm 73:2-3)

God wants His people to prosper. His desire is for you to have a life with abundance. However, He looks for those who are pure in heart, those who do not ‘go with the flow’ simply because they see everyone doing it. This idea of going with the flow is what has caused many Christians to stumble, because the ‘flow’ is almost always against the Word of God.

If you say truly, that you believe in God, there must be actions that prove your belief. What kind of action, you may ask? Faithfulness and sacrifice. It is a sacrifice to do what is right nowadays – especially when everyone around you is doing what is wrong. But this is the kind of action that we must have. If we are to remain in the presence of God, without slipping or stumbling, sacrifice is essential.

Stop looking at what other people have. Stop envying the lives of the unbelievers. Look to God, because as it is written in His Word,

“For indeed, those who are far from You shall perish…”

(Psalm 73:27)


“Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”

(Romans 10:11)

May the God of the Bible bless you

Bishop Joshua Fonseca