Maybe this has happened to you, you see a family member acting “crazy”, acting wild and angry or out of their mind. Or maybe there is that family member that is always mean and nasty to you. They treat you like someone off the streets. There is that family member that every time you try to help them, they just attack you. It’s hard to deal with the difficult ones. But if you look at them as the problem, then you will never be able to deal with them with understanding. But when you realize that there is an evil spirit behind the problem, then you can fight the right way. 

Always see the devil and not the person. There is an evil spirit called the spirit of separation that works to divide and destroy families. If your family member is rude, they cuss and yell and break things… always remember who is the one doing it. It’s the devil. 

It’s written in the Bible:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

Do not fight physically or verbally, but inside of you, you need to say, “satan, you are tied up, in Jesus name”. The person will not hear, they will not even know, but satan hears. The demon knows what you are doing. 

What satan wants is for you to have the same mouth as him. To open your mouth and kill them with your tongue. Whenever you curse someone out of your mouth, you are killing them, and that’s what satan wants you to do. 

Learn to fight against the spirit and not against the person, and you will see change in your family. 

May the God of the Bible Bless You

Bishop Bira Fonseca