“Raise your hand when you want to speak.” You probably heard this growing up. If not from parents at home, definitely from teachers at school!

They thought us that it shows respect as well as to make it known that we are in need of their help or attention.

Hands can be raised when seeking help, and hands can be raised as a demonstration of authority. But we can all agree that when someone is drowning and they wave their hands, they are only communicating one thing… “I NEED HELP!”

In the Bible, Peter found himself in a desperate situation when he got out of the boat and walked on the water. When he first stepped off of the boat, he was fine. But when he saw the wind and waves so big and strong, he became desperate and begged Jesus,

… saying, “Lord, save me!”
Matthew 14:30

What are you experiencing that is causing you to be afraid? Is it a sickness and the doctors have already numbered your days… A marriage that seems to be over… A business that is failing?

Maybe because of all of these situations, you find yourself sinking deeper and deeper in the ocean of doubt and disbelief!

Now is the time for you to take that leap of faith and raise your hands and cry out to the Lord as Peter did; “Lord Save Me!”

This is faith in action, and will bring you the immediate attention of the Lord. With His authority he will pull you from this ocean of doubts and fears. Raise your hands and grab hold of His. Don’t let go and don’t look back!

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua