We know exactly what to do when we are thirsty or hungry: we reach for the nearest drink or the nearest snack. Anything will do in order to quench thirst or satisfy our hunger. Even young children know to reach for their mothers when they are hungry. It is human instinct.

One day Jesus was walking through Samaria when He met a woman who was quenching a physical thirst; however, He recognized that she had a thirst that water from a well would never quench. She had experienced a hard life and she jumped at the opportunity to quench the thirst in her soul.

You can relate. You too have been through a lot, and as a result, you walk around with an unquenchable thirst. At times it feels like there’s a hole in your soul, and no matter what you do, nothing makes you feel better. No amount of going out, addiction, friends or family seems to help. You wonder if there’s a solution – if you’ll ever stop feeling this way. Take a look at what she said when Jesus offered her a chance to change everything.

“The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw.” John 4:15

All that she had been through didn’t matter at that moment because she was being offered a chance to be whole. Jesus offered her the opportunity to quench the thirst that was in her soul. He knew that what she needed wasn’t just physical water. He offered her a new life and she jumped at the opportunity. How about you? At this moment, God is offering you the same water. He’s offering you a new life but it begins with you accepting His offer. Go to the ‘well’, ask Him for help, ask Him to quench the thirst in your soul and He will do it.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua