Excess weight carried daily and incorrectly can cause severe damage to health, mainly related to posture.

When was the last time you carried more weight than you could handle? Indeed you felt pain and physical fatigue from having more weight than you could take.

In the same way, spiritually speaking, many people hold the “weight” of grudges, health, finances, family, addiction problems, and the weight of living a life of appearances.

Which one of these have you been carrying?
What were the consequences?
Due to the weight of problems, many people find themselves depressed, sad, anxious, empty, and unable to find a solution.
The solution is closer than you think. Read below what the bible says:

“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30

Give God all the weight that you have on you. God will never leave you suffering and carrying a weight He already carried for you.

In prayer, surrender to God everything that has overwhelmed you; your fears, anguish, sadness, and insecurities.

Don’t waste time, do it, and you will feel as light as ever before.

We go through situations like a burden on the soul, but remember that God wants to give you salvation for your soul.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua