As time goes by, things get old. A shoe that was once new is no longer, and a house that was once modern is now considered ancient. The clothing you buy in a good store after a few months get old. A car you worked so hard to buy was once new, but now it’s old.

When things get old, there are two options: give up on them or renew them. Take a house, for example; If you’ve ever done a home renovation, you know that sometimes it’s impossible to recognize that the same house that was once ugly is now beautiful and pleasant.

The same thing happens in your life. What is old and no longer the same in your life?

For some people, their marriage was beautiful in the beginning, and now that time has passed, it is not the same. Your health was excellent, but now you see that over time, you are living from medicine to medicine.

And let’s not even mention your financial life!

The question is, what are you going to do about it?

Below you see what God wants for you:

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
2 Corinthians 5:17

Dear friend, God wants to renew our lives and make all things new. But please note that there is a condition. You must allow God to make changes in your life.

Surrender your life to Him, and He will completely renew your entire life.

May the God of the Bible bless you,

Bishop Bira Joshua