No matter how wise or attentive you are, you always need to pay close attention to what is being spoken to you. The word of God says:

“Let no one deceive you by any means;” 2 Thessalonians 2:3

From time to time satan uses his servants, disguised as servants of God to deceive the true chosen ones. For example, how many people left the presence of God because someone told them that God has spoken to them and told them to invite that person to a different church. Then they follow along blindly and end up deceived in the faith. Others were doing well in the faith, then they meet a “good guy”, sometimes even inside of the church, and they start to date. The voice of God warns them to be careful, but they just don’t listen. In the end, they end up heartbroken and far from God. 

There are many, many other examples that could be used as well, but the point is, when you give ear to the wrong voice, you will be misled and in the end, destroyed. 

Of course, when you are trying to do the right thing, satan will send his messengers to say, “you are acting too holy, you need to relax a little”, or “don’t be so religious, just do it”, “everybody does it, why not”? When you listen to those voices, you will undoubtedly fall. 

Open your eyes dear friend and listen ONLY to the voice of God. But how can I know His voice, you may ask? First of all, you need to read and meditate on the Word of God for yourself. That way no one will be able to deceive you. When you know what God says for yourself, no one will be able to “pull the wool” over you. 

May the God of the Bible Bless You

Bishop Bira Fonseca