If you go into a bakery and find no bread, would you think that everything was okay inside of that bakery? Not at all. Because inside of a bakery, the thing that should be most abundant is bread. What if you went inside of a hospital and they said there were no doctors… would you think that everything was okay with that hospital? Definitely not! How can a hospital not have any doctors!

This is my last question… if you look at the life of someone who says they are filled with the Spirit of God and have a very close relationship with God, but their life is filled with misery and suffering… would you believe them? I don’t think so. Unless you are doing even worst than them and are not aware of the promises of God.

My point is, some things just don’t add up. A person can be very sincere, very kind, very loving, and have all the best intentions, but if their life doesn’t show the fruits (results) of the presence of God, then that is because He is not there. It doesn’t mean that He doesn’t love them, or that He is punishing them, it simply means that they have not yet received this Divine presence that they are searching for.

Look at this passage in Genesis,

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.

Genesis 1:1-2

The earth was without form and void, but heaven was not formless and void. Darkness was on the face of the deep, but there was no darkness in heaven. And even more, the next line says,

And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

Genesis 1:2

As you can clearly see, the Spirit of God was not below the waters, nor was He drowning because of the waters. He hovered OVER the waters. And those who are born of His Spirit rise above their problems and see the power of God inside of their lives. So the real question is, if God is with you, then are you rising above, or are you drowning? If He’s with you, then you are rising and will continue to rise. But if you are drowning, then you need to be sincere and seek Him wholeheartedly and He will rescue you and set you over your problems.

May the God of the Bible bless you
Bishop Joshua Fonseca