Imagine being on a long flight and whilst the plane is in mid air, you began to feel unwell. You are not sure what’s going on, but all you know is that something is wrong. You can’t help but feel nervous because you know that you are far from a hospital. So you turn on the overhead light and call over the flight attendant to let her know what is going on.

The flight attendant hears you out, and then calmly informs you that there is a doctor on board who can certainly help you with your sudden illness. You don’t need to tell me, but in that moment you are overjoyed, because the fear that was gripping you has just turned into hope. There is a doctor on board and you didn’t even know it!

Many years ago, someone was in a dire situation and didn’t have an answer anywhere in sight. Then just as all hope was lost and he was literally sleeping on a rock, he had a dream and realized something amazing… God was in that place and he didn’t even know it.

Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.” Genesis 28:16

The point that I want you to understand is this… maybe you are going through a stormy situation in life right now. You have been diagnosed with a serious illness, or your family has been divided, or perhaps you are in financial dire straights.

Know this… God is near to you, though you don’t know it. You may not feel Him or see Him, but He is there. Trust in that, as Jacob discovered and it will bring immediate hope to you.

What I said, I repeat again… God is near to you. He is right there with you, and is just waiting for you to make a pact with Him, by offering Him your entire life, and He will take you out of your suffering.

May the God of the Bible bless you,

Bishop Joshua Fonseca