I believe all of us can agree that these two words are used multiple times throughout our day.

How can I achieve my dreams?

How can I be a better mother?

How can I be a better father?

How can I be a better boss?

How can I be a better person?

We can all agree that we ask these questions when we don’t have the answers and we are seeking to find them.

You parent will never ask your child their name, because you have no doubt what their name is.

You that at this moment are separating yourself from the world and negativity and spending more time focused on God may have this question in mind. How can I have the assurance of the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

First of all, it’s important to know that the Holy Spirit brings assurance inside of you. So if you are asking this question, it’s because you most likely don’t have Him inside of you yet.

My advise to you is to stop asking this question and start to seek the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will know it!

See what the Word of God says:

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God

Romans 8:16

When you receive the Holy Spirit He testifies that you are a child of God and you don’t need to go around asking anyone else if you are or not.

Take this time that you are isolated to prepare yourself. Remove everything that is against God from your life. Remember you know better than anyone what is inside of you; your desires, your heart, your mind… and so you are the one that must decide to let go of what’s holding you back. No one else can do for you.

May the God of the Bible bless you

Bishop Joshua Fonseca