Have you felt rejected by your family, friends and society? But the Lord Jesus said,
“He that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6:37)

The Lord Jesus is ready to help all who need Him, just as He helped prostitutes, lepers, and the blind. All who come to Him, the Lord Jesus will never reject them. He gave many rejected people a new life. He has come to meet despised people just like you, who have felt rejected.

If others have abandoned you, on the other hand, the Lord Jesus is with open arms to receive you. He says to him, “Come unto Me, and I will save him and heal his wounds.” If you go to Him, you will never be rejected.

If you would like guidance, I am at your disposal to assist you, send an e-mail to: bff@universal.org

May the God of the Bible bless you.