In life you can not move from one level of something to another without first being testing. To go to the next level in school, to get a drivers license, to get a job, to become a doctor or lawyer, to make it onto a sports team, literally to do anything in life, you must be tested. 

To conquer the blessings of God and be approved in faith, you must also be tested. Anyone can say, “I love God”, or “I trust God with all of my life”. But when “push comes to shove” you prove whether or not you trust God when He challenges you to do something that is extremely difficult for you. Something that you (humanly speaking) do not want to do. When He asks you to give up something or someone that is so tough that it makes you gasp to even think about it. When that kind of challenge comes, and you are willing to obey in that moment… then you truly past the test of faith. God tested Abraham in that exact way, when He asked him to sacrifice Isaac… the son that he waited 100yrs for. And He made Abraham go all the way to the point of binding his son and raising the knife (which meant that in his heart he had already given the boy) before stopping him and saying, 

“Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.” Genesis 22:12 

Sacrifice is when you give to God what he asks of you. God will not require from us a human sacrifice today, because Jesus gave His life on the cross. But today, God tests us by challenging us to sacrifice our sweat, what we depend on. When you give it to the Lord, you show Him that you depend on Him. 

When Abraham was willing to give his son, he showed God that he depended on Him. And that was what proved His faith in God. As they say, “talk is cheap”. If you truly depend on God 100%, then show it through obeying His voice and doing what He asks of you. That’s the way to get His attention and provoke the blessing in your life. 

May the God of the Bible Bless You 

Bishop Bira Fonseca