No one buys a new house and immediately starts filling it with dirt, garbage, a mountain of things and then lives in it. That new house starts off clean, empty, and peaceful. Overtime, however, if the home owner does not keep things in order, it becomes overcrowded and filthy.

This house describes many people’s life. Overtime with problems and troubles, they become filled with so many things and don’t know what to do. The word of God describes a place like this and what Jesus did in order to turn things around in that place.

“Then He went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in it,” Luke 19:45

You are the temple of God. Once you are clean, everything in your life will be clean as well. God wants to organize your life, to remove the chaos, sleepless nights, depression, mess, etc.He wants to clean your life so that He can give you the life He has prepared for you.

Let God begin this work in your life. Surrender your life to Him and bit by bit He will give you this free and clear life.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua