We all receive bad news sometimes. We all face problems and difficulties in life. We all feel confused or unsure about what decision to take at some point. But how can a person be one hundred percent sure of what to do? How can I be sure that I am making the right decision? There has to be some type of guidelines to follow. 

That’s where the Word of God comes in. 

What is the need of reading the Bible? It’s not to have Bible knowledge. We are supposed to meditate on the Word of God (which means to keep the Word of God in our mind and hearts). But for what? So that when we face trials and tribulations, we will know what to do. 

When we are going through things, there will always be people full of ideas and opinions about what we need to do. And many of them have very good intentions. But we all know honestly that they normally give very bad advice. 

The Word of God on the other hand, is trustworthy. You can count on it to always tell you what you NEED to hear. Not always what you want to hear, but for sure what you need to hear. And that is what guides you to good decisions. 

Sometimes the Word of God will tell you to do something very difficult, like sacrifice something you value very much. Just like those in the faith of the Mt. Sinai campaign are making sacrifices to express their faith to God. When I do the will of God, and obey His Word, I can be sure that I will overcome and succeed. 

Trust Him and trust His Word. Meditate on it daily. And it will guide your life. 

May the God of the Bible bless you

Bishop Bira Fonseca