If you listen to negative words and let them sink into your mind, they will ruin you. Whether they come from your doctor, a lawyer, a so-called friend, or even a family member. Negativity is destructive. You can’t give ear to the negative words that come from others. You have to defeat those words by using the Word of God. 

For example, it is written;

And by His stripeswe are healed. Isaiah 53:5 

It doesn’t say, by His stripes we may be healed. It says, “we ARE healed”. 

That means it is done. So when a negative voice comes to you to say you are sick, or you will die, or you will not get better… make sure you make it clear so that the enemy can hear you… “by JESUS stripes, I AM healed”. 

Only through a bold and courageous faith that does not listen to negativity, can we overcome all the garbage that is thrown at us. 

That’s why when it comes to sacrifice, you also have to reject the negative voice. Perhaps your family, friends or even fellow church members see you marching toward the altar with your all and they mock you, criticize you or even try to stop you. But you have the power to choose to be bold and obey the voice of God, or be weak and listen to the negativity. 

You can’t stop negative voices from coming at you, but you can surely reject them by the Word of God and overcome them. So when they do come, don’t melt like snow, stand and be strong by the power of God, and watch how quickly you start to overcome. 

May the God of the Bible bless you

Bishop Bira Fonseca